tiistai 12. maaliskuuta 2013

The Move.

So, basically I am a girl from a very small town (Lohja), it's a nice, cozy place, with good music (my american friend compared it to Seattle...maybe because of the go lucky, happy and sober atmosphere), but growing up a little different in a very small place is hell. In school I had the perfect trifecta: Glasses, braces, nerd. And ginger...so very ginger. Lohja isn't very big on the goth scene and everything abnormal is to be stared, pointed and sometimes spat at. So when I hit 18 I was out of that place like it was on fire. I loved Helsinki at first sight, as a kid mom used to give my sis and me some pocket money and send us shopping and the love affair has lasted these past 10 years I've lived here. Unfortunately Helsinki is like the second most expensive city on the frigging planet, so this year we decide to stop fucking around and become adults (fuck no just kidding). We decided to move up north to Rovaniemi official hangout of Santa Claus.

The main reason we are moving is money. That's pretty much the deal. In Rovaniemi we'll be able to study and even have some money for bills and going out after the rent is paid. In Helsinki no such luck.
We are both turning 30 and decided to make a run for it. Past ten years have just flown by, I've accomplished nothing and basically I just don't wanna end up waking up at 50 in a minimum wage job. Rovanniemi is so much cheaper, we'll actually be able to be artists there. Here especially Ilari's (my hubby) photography suffers because of the long days at work.

But...there's always a but. I'm a city girl. I love the nature but I love living in a place where I can live 24/7. As an insomniac I need places to be open LATE. make no plans, buy one meal at the time instead of planning weeks meals in advance. What if I can't take it? The big move across the country should be in less than two weeks and we have literally done nothing...no car, no driver and most important of all...NO GOING AWAY PARTY.

We will be first moving to an old school turned into a commune and live with Ilari's dad, and when we have a bit of money we will move to the city. But it's a long time and neither of us can drive. Ironic, in Helsinki all my friends are close but I never have time and money to see them VS. Rovanniemi where we could go out a lot more but I have no friends.

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